Risk Financing and Gain Share of Production Optimization and Enhanced Oil Recovery SpringRock Crystal Industries ...You deserve SpringRock

Risk Financing and Gain Share of Production Optimization and Enhanced Oil Recovery

In the risk financing and gain share business model, SpringRock would work on a suitable cost-risk sharing model with the asset owner to execute a production optimization or enhance oil recovery suite of activities in selected wells or a field. The parties would share the gain in incremental production above the baseline as a result of optimization and innovation implemented.

The investment for the cost-risk sharing model may be shared between the Asset Owner and SRcI and in some cases where the enabling factors exists, SRcI can finance 100% of the funds required for the proposed model.

Various gain share model can be deployed in relation to the specific conditions of the project undertaken. SRcI is flexible in tailoring the engagement to the realities and practicalities of the specific project.

Once a model is agreed to and a contract is executed, then our “Innovation Team” would work in collaboration with the asset owner’s personnel to gather all the data necessary to analyze the challenges associated with a producing asset and execute the production optimization and or enhance recovery activities.